Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Faith as a Human Act.

As we have said previously, believing is possible only as a Gift of the Spirit, but that does not diminish in any way that believing is also and authentic human act.  Trusting in God and cleaving to the truths he has revealed are contrary neither to human freedom nor to human reason.

How could it possibly be unreasonable for a person to seek after the gift of faith?  Faith brings so much to life.  To believe is not only a sacred act and Gift of the Spirit, but it is a mark of enlightenment on the part of the believer.  It gives a human great dignity to believe.  If this is so, still less it is contrary to our dignity to yield by faith the full submission of intellect and will to God who reveals and share in an interior communion with God.

God does reveal and not just in Revelation as many people believe perhaps too strongly, but in the Gifts of the Spirit, in the Gospels and in the Epistles as well as in the Torah, and through the Prophets of the Old testement.  In a doff of the hat to Muhammed, he also talks in the Koran about the stories of the Torah and translates them into Arabic, so that these stories of the Prophets spread and prosper in the world.  While I am not a Muslim, I do appreciate a good Sufi story and if you are interested in hearing one, CLICK HERE.

Don't forget to click older posts at the bottom of the page.

Faith is a human act which God wants us to accept as a Gift of the Spirit.  Are you willing to accept your gifts?

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